Chabad of Bristol - Caring for Jewish Students and Communities of South West England.

The Heart of Jewish Life in Bristol !

Where every Jew is Family!

Whats On At Chabad


Celebrate Pesach!

Join a Pesach Seder, get a free Shemurah Matzah, Sell your chametz, learn the secret of Elijahs cup, and whatever else you need for Pesach in Bristol.

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Adult Education

Join the Discussion

Torah Studies Class - every Thursday 7:30 pm

at Chabad of Bristol, on Zoom and on Facebook Live.


Chabad on Campus

- Welcome Students

To your home away from home!


How You can Help!

The students & community are counting on YOU!

Judaica Shop

Judaica, Chanukah, toys, crafts, gifts, Mazel Tov cards, books and more!

Passover with the Singers on ITV Westcountry

First-ever Grand Menorah Lighting in Plymouth!